23 June 2008

hello, goodbye

I recently discovered a few well-written blogs which inspired me. Perhaps one day I'll inform said blogs of their inspirational force. I've been toying with the idea for awhile, though... a former roommate once suggested that I should create a blog almost as a form of practice for my writing, or perhaps as a method for my voice to be heard. In whatever tiny corner of the Interwebs that may end up being.

So goodnight, dear void. [Kudos, and also a few gold stars! to you if you catch the movie reference.] In the next day or two, I plan on learning a bit about this blogspot thing. I had a blogspot way back in the day (which shan't be linked to here, due to its embarrassing emphasis on lengthy, personal rants. How a person can age in a few short years, eh?), after which I made the switch to Xanga, which was quite pleasant indeed, but again, not quite the blogging situation I had in mind. Therefore, I'm back, and hopefully motivated enough to persist this time. Lord knows my writing needs constant tweaking/practice/constructive criticism.

Ah, tis late. Must get up to work on the morrow. Until later, nonexistent readership. Perhaps sometime in the not-so-distant future, a pleasant blogger or two will accidentally find their way to my words and have a thing or two to say about them.

1 comment:

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

I get the reference!! Do I get a gold star?! (You've Got Mail, of course. Meg Ryan in an email to Tom Hanks.)

I'm glad you started a blog. It's really fun. Even though I don't always write beautifully, I've met some great people. (Weird, huh?)